
The mighty oak

Visiting Scotland recently, I couldn’t help but notice the many magnificent, tall oak trees; and I was reminded of the ancient Celts and their love of forests, Mother Nature and the great web of life itself.

Many cultures see the oak tree as a symbol of strength and endurance. For me, it’s a reminder for us to stand tall and live our soul purpose.

As a child, I was once criticised for being too tall, and subsequently that resulted in me playing small. It led to a habit of feeling not good enough, and gave me the excuse to play the role of support artist who focused so much on another she lost sight of her self, her value, her purpose and dreams.

If you feel empty or lost, perhaps there is nothing to look forward to in life, you can change that. You simply need to get to know who you are, claim your value … and dream again!

So, if you’d like to chat about what’s possible, contact me.

The oak tree’s roots go as deep as its branches reach up to the sky – as above so below. How strong is your foundation, how far do you reach? How are you living your potential?



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