Another year is coming to a close, a year when many of us have been challenged, be it in terms of our health, our finances, our relationships.
Now more than ever perhaps, it’s important to accept that things are the way they are … and ask your heart what is the opportunity, what now, what do you want to create.
Looking back, you can acknowledge yourself on how you’ve dealt with all the change, how you’ve adapted and what strengths have supported you…and what you learned when you tripped up.
You can focus on letting go of the old and open your heart to creating something new and see where it takes you.
Creating something new means a new you…who do you want to become? Let’s start with a dream….imagine an open a door, then focus on just one step you can practise to become more of who you are. Perhaps… practise being kind, letting go of control and going with the flow, being more flexible, turning anger into something constructive, being patient….or simply give yourself a break and accept that you’re human and a work in progress.