All we need is love
These past few weeks we’ve been looking at one of the challenges of parenting – taking action, asking for support, when your intuition tells you that something needs attention and
These past few weeks we’ve been looking at one of the challenges of parenting – taking action, asking for support, when your intuition tells you that something needs attention and
Our daughter went to boarding school in England when she was 10 going on 11. There, she was bullied for a number of years. Not interested in clothes, make-up or
We’ve all heard the expression a ‘mother’s intuition’ and typically we understand this to mean that a mother ‘knows’ when something is amiss. What I’ve learned is that it’s one
Most parents say that parenting is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world – and it can be one of the toughest. It doesn’t come with an instruction
The key to any relationship, personal or professional, is to be our self and be able manage any differences. ‘Be all things unto all men’ encourages us to be seen
What is your pattern when it comes to managing differences with others? Do you … tend to stand your ground and blame the other do everything to avoid conflict look
Children leave home for different reasons – to go to boarding school or university, to live with a partner, to live independently, perhaps even to escape mum and dad. Most
When a relationship comes to an end and it’s not what we want, we may try to fight it. However, if our partner is clear that it’s not what they
You feel exhausted, you don’t know what to do next, you just want to find a way out of the chaos. Your partner has just announced they no longer want
Many things can put stress on our relationships – illness, infidelity, financial problems, infertility to name a few. The struggle to have a baby can come as a shock. You
D’you struggle with relationships? D’you have great relationships with some and not with others? D’you ever give any attention to your relationship with yourself? People come into our lives for
A few weeks ago, I wrote about passion, and commented that if we don’t allow our self to feel we won’t feel the fire of our passion – whatever we
How do you make choices in life? D’you tend to do everything based on logic …or… are you someone who experiences and reacts to life according to how you feel?
A few weeks ago, I went to see the movie ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ and was reminded of the song from the original film ‘I have confidence…. ‘ when the nanny,
How many of us strive to be perfect in our multiple roles and sometimes, without even noticing it, the ‘perfection’ steals away our ability to be in the moment and
Feeling free within yourself to embrace all that life offers, saying ‘yes’ to life, we feel energised, optimistic…passionate! What if … you feel something is missing? Often, it’s because we’re
You’ve set the intent of approaching life from a place of feeling free to embrace all that life offers. You plan to anticipate joyfully, to be open to opportunities. You
Moving into the new year, we have the opportunity to shine! So…it’s good to ask: What does shining your light mean to you? How do you shine? What stops you
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Can you see the beauty within you – and own it in every cell of your body? Beauty means different
Stepping into 2019… How do you want to expand and grow? How can you become more of who you are? What sort of freedom are you looking for?
And like the phoenix Burned to ash and then reborn Spread your newfound wings Erase and rewrite To revive that sense of being Then rise in renewal To face the
“You don’t want a million answers as much as you want a few forever questions. The questions are diamonds you hold in the light. Study a lifetime and you see
‘Ego says ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace’. Spirit says ‘Find your peace, then everything will fall into place’. Marianne Williamson Christmas is coming along with messages
Two years ago, out of the blue, my sister was diagnosed with cancer. Pancreatic cancer, stage 4. No treatment. Terminal cancer. Six months to live. For a time, she didn’t
For anyone supporting someone labeled as having OCD, if you are looking to understand how it is, here is how my daughter described it to me… Bound by rules
Are you willing to trust yourself knowing that you have value and live in alignment with what matters to you? Are you willing to stop controlling life and trust in
Are you willing to accept yourself just as you are, not perfect? Are you willing to let go of any attachment as to how you think things should be? Are
As someone with an insatiable curiosity, I’m known to ask questions! Questions help me in understanding why and how, and, I’ve become aware that questions can drive me crazy. Being
Who? Why? What? How? Four questions. As toddlers we can drive mum crazy asking them. At school or when we first learn a new language, we use them to help
From time to time, life’s events can have us feel lonely for a while and this is a natural part of the process of change. Some people who appear to
Today, listening to people, to the news, it’s clear that our world, the planet, is going through a period of massive change. Weather patterns are extreme; politically and in the
Some people see life as a struggle; others believe we’re here to thrive, not simply survive. What is your view? I see our struggles, and most of us experience one
Listening to a client excitedly share her news of a new relationship, I heard her say “I had to pinch myself, it felt too good to be true”. What I
D’you ever feel like you’re holding it altogether, yet underneath you’re secretly afraid that everything is going to fall apart? You worry, you feel uptight, you don’t trust the future,
Have you ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? Have you ever felt that somehow you never quite fit in? Do others tell you that are ‘too
Waking up this morning, these words of the well-known children’s song playing in my head, I found myself pondering… What if… we can use colour to recognise who we are
How connected are you? What are you connected to? Are you connected to the internet… to your mind… your heart, your intuition… to the Spirit within you? More and more,
“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe” – Marcus Aurelius. How often do you feel a sense of inner peace? How harmonious are your
What if …anything were possible….who would you be…what would you be doing? For those living in the northern hemisphere, summer holidays are nearly over, children are returning to school, soon
Have you been feeling more emotional than usual these past few weeks? Perhaps you’ve been triggered by events from the past – memories, or people, seem to have popped up