
Light and shadow…unlocking your potential

Why is it that so many of us resist looking at our shadow, after all we live in a world of duality and we each have so many aspects to who we are?

Looking at all of your facets means delving into some aspects of yourself that may feel uncomfortable, that may be hidden or rejected. It can bring fear, pain, guilt, shame and most of us don’t want to feel painful emotions. Our cultural conditioning may not want us to explore our ‘dark side’, we’ve been taught to be ‘good’. Our ego resists because it threatens to expose our insecurities and challenges our identity. And our unconscious defence mechanisms can make it hard to even recognise something we are avoiding. When you deny, you end up having a battle with yourself.

However. if you see shadow as energy, something that simply is and accept it as it is, no judgement, the benefits are enormous.

It helps you to see the unconscious patterns, behaviours and beliefs behind your actions, bringing a greater understanding of who you really are..and then you can take action to change any limiting habits. Releasing painful emotions brings greater emotional balance. Through recognising your projections, you develop empathy and that helps strengthen your relationships. More than anything, accepting and integrating your shadow helps you to be real, to embrace all of who you are, connect with your essence, bringing a sense of inner harmony, a deeper sense of wholeness.

Is it time to explore who you really are? Shadow work is part of the journey, not a quick fix..there’s always more to learn.

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