
Open the door

We may not like to hear it at the time, however… every crisis offers an opportunity to awaken to something new in ourselves, to become more of who we are. What might that be for you?

Challenges in life can have us feeling pain and a sense of loss. And, in order to protect ourself emotionally, it’s easy to fall into the trap of putting up walls. Then, if we judge for ourself what happened, if we see ourself as not having measured up, we can become hard-hearted – without even noticing it.

The judgement can filter everything we do. We monitor ourself to make sure we’re being appropriate, looking for opportunities that show us in a good light, it’s all about how we are seen.  We need to be in control; we’re determined to get it right. And…sometimes, it can then be easier to be with our self than with others because when we are with others we fear being hurt and rejected again. And so, we shut people out – we separate.

Self rejection blocks our connection to our soul, and when that happens we fall down into negative energy.

How to get out of the vicious cycle? Burn the judgement and connect to the warmth within our heart!

What you can do is imagine the self rejection as the door to your spiritual connection…open the door…see what lies behind it. How does it feel…can you accept it… what do you need to do to keep the door open?

Opening and trusting our heart requires courage and a willingness to be vulnerable. The benefit of living from our heart is that our inner knowing opens up, we have access to our guidance, and at last we feel ‘at home’ with our self. We feel safe and protected. Magic!

Open the door and connect to your heart, your soul, your joy, and how you can reach out to others.

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