
Becoming fearless

Sometimes on your journey, you feel uncertain…you just don’t know what next, what to do. It happened for me recently.

A few weeks ago, I set off from Vanuatu on an adventure, no final destination in mind. I booked a flight from Auckland to the Cook Islands 3 weeks ahead. Four days before I was due to fly, I had only two nights accommodation confirmed although I planned to stay for a month. Going online, all the sites told me that 80-95% of their places to stay were already booked. Knowing there was an immigration requirement to show proof of paid accommodation, I panicked. My imagination then had a field day worrying about what might happen!

This was an opportunity to let go of control, to trust, to be fearless. That meant acknowledging the fear and choosing not to let it get to me. I wobbled, lost sleep and lost my focus. I picked myself up. Then the next day an angel appeared and I got bookings in three different accommodations. Thank you, Jennie, of Experience Rarotonga!

It did take time to pull my energy back together again. We all have fears and they vary from one person to another. I’ve met a women who loves to parachute out of aeroplanes and is afraid of eating alone, I’ve known others who enjoy eating alone and are afraid to go up in a ski lift.

Becoming fearless isn’t about having no fear. It involves understanding your insecurities and uncovering any hidden mindsets that tell you that you can’t take care of yourself, then using tools to feel safe within yourself. The only one I’ve found that really works is to connect with your heart where you KNOW you are always supported. It means believing you can do it while you’re still a work in progress.  Like the little child learning to walk, take little steps, persevere and you will do it. You are stronger than you imagine!

You can then do what you’re here to do, have a good time and savour the precious moments …which today for me was hearing a local woman singing her grandchild to sleep while out on my morning walk, her voice soft yet strong, clear, full of love, simply beautiful!

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