

Soon we’ll be moving into 2023 and many of us will be happy to leave 2022 behind. It’s not been the easiest of years, it’s great to anticipate a new chapter.

Looking ahead, I’m remembering that we always have choice – even when it doesn’t feel like it! So many times have I experienced this! We have choice as to how we feel – to be afraid or accepting. As to how we behave – to respond or react. As to the attitude we adopt – to feel sorry for ourself or feel motivated to find a way… to worry or enjoy….. For me right now, our choice is to anticipate good things happening and to look to create a better world for us all.

On a personal level, when you know that things have to change, it’s a case of seeing and doing things differently. It begins with yourself, and once you find and accept who you really are, then you enjoy the freedom of choice… and see how your energy impacts everyone around you. From there, you can focus on making choices that consider all.

So, in the new year, we’re offering a new online group coaching programme to help you find freedom, whatever freedom you’re looking for… you can get all the details on our website. For now, we’re offering a gift to get you started – an ebook which offers a way to move beyond three different fears that I’ve found can get in the way of you being yourself. See if you relate …and if you do, you’ve taken the first step to moving beyond – you’ve recognised it! You can sign up here…https://glynisstevens.com/

In the end, our choice is love or fear…which do you choose?

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