
Coming out

Last week I celebrated a family wedding in Crete. Wonderful! On the way home, I spent a few days in Athens, and made a day trip to Delphi. To the Temple of Apollo, where I learned that the ancient wisdom “Know thyself ‘ is inscribed on the wall.

What a coincidence – this is what my mentor teaches, and what I encourage others to do!

For 8 years now, I’ve worked as a coach supporting others to change what they don’t like in their lives.

Personally, over the last 4/5 years, my journey has taken me along a spiritual path, discovering who I am at a spiritual level.

Today I am ‘coming out’ and want to let you know that I’m stepping forward as a spiritual mentor. A spiritual mentor, who is qualified as a coach, and helps people to understand who they are and find what works for them. To think outside the box, consider possibilities, rather than go down the road of thinking they have to achieve something big. To understand themselves spiritually, energetically, as well as mentally and emotionally.

I like to offer room to explore, to find the key, to discover the missing piece. It may be something as simple as finding peace within you, saying  ‘yes’ to something new…

Money, status, appearance are often our focus – until perhaps we have a personal crisis. We get sick, lose our job, find our self divorced – or we wake up to the fact that we’re not happy, we’re living a lie. It can be horribly painful when this happens. And, the opportunity is to get to “Know thyself ” and what you really want in life. So, if this is where you’re at, I’m here.

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