The journey

Happy talk

Feeling a twinge of disappointment recently……. I was reminded of the words of a song that my dad used to sing to me, words from the musical “South Pacific” which

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The journey

Open the door

We may not like to hear it at the time, however… every crisis offers an opportunity to awaken to something new in ourselves, to become more of who we are.

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The journey

To Thine Own Self Be True

‭ We’ve all heard the saying ‘To Thine Own Self Be True’ and most of us understand it to mean be authentic. What we can perhaps then ask is… how

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Letting go

Sweet surrender

Have you ever felt like you’ve tried everything and still you’re not where you want to be? You feel frustrated beyond measure, exhausted, you’re fed up of the struggle, you’ve

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The journey

Reach for the light

We’ve talked in recent weeks about our lives being turned upside down and the opportunity to create a better world, imagining what we’d like to see. We’ve discussed how we

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The journey

Choose joy and be happy!

Sometimes we can feel that life is comfortable enough, we have everything we need, yet have a feeling that something is missing, we want more…. we’re just don’t know how

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The journey

Reach for the sky!

The oak tree’s roots go as deep as its branches reach up to the sky – as above so below. How strong is your foundation, how far do you reach?  

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The journey

Hold fast to who you are

Looking through my mum’s family tree, I found it interesting to see that her family motto is “Hold fast”. It had me pondering…. When we experience any change or struggle

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The journey

Fertilise the ground

All things change and, as we clear away the old, as we emerge from the chrysalis, we slowly become aware of a release from worry and uncertainty. We feel calm

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The journey

All is well

When we’re in the middle of a challenge, when we’re in pain, we might not like to hear that we’re never given more than we can handle and that all

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The journey

Crisis or opportunity?

We’ve all heard it – every crisis offers opportunity – and that might not be what we want to hear when we’re in the middle of it! When it feels

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The journey

A better world.

If you could change the world, how would it look? What is your vision of the world you want to see? Every time we experience any sort of personal change

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The journey

Time to let go

It’s normal to feel stress and anxiety when faced with uncertainty, and often that can spill over into our relationships. Living in isolation, if we don’t normally spend much time

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The journey

All together as one

When you look at the entire world being in lockdown, everyone at home, isolating, isn’t it amazing that such a situation could have been created? Our hearts go out to

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The journey

A ray of sunshine

One of the joys of being in lockdown is having time…time to stop and enjoy the little things in life that bring warmth to our heart. For me, one of

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The journey

Time to pause…

With so many of us now staying at home to look after our health and wellness and that of those around us, it might just be said said that the

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The journey

A cure for the virus…?

When you look at the world right now, what do you see? On the surface, we may see panic, drama, fear. Fear around political structures, the financial markets, the environment,

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The journey


What was it for you that nudged you to step onto the path of wanting to understand ‘who am I’? Understanding and getting clear about who we are is often

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The journey

Seeing the significance.

Do you ever stop to ask… what is the significance of what is happening in the world; who you are and what is your area significance? Its easy to look

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The journey

Me… and my shadow

How clearly do you see your shadow? The truth is…. ‘there is no light without shadow, and no psychic wholeness without imperfection”. Carl Jung. The dark side of our personality,

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The journey

Seeing your gifts

How well do you see: your personal strengths and gifts the learning, the gift of your journey so far the gift of others in your life? When times are tough,

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The journey

Clarity – around your story

What story do you tell yourself, your friends, your colleagues about your life? Do you quietly share your achievements, your joy, or, do you talk about your challenges, your struggles?

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The journey

Clarity and responsibility

In times when we are challenged, sometimes what we need to do is change our attitude – and often it’s the case that we need to stop feeling like a

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The journey

Clarity of purpose

How clear are you about why you are here and what is your purpose? Sometimes events happen in life that have us feeling knocked for six and we may become

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The journey

Clarity of thinking

How clear are you in your thinking… how well do you manage your thoughts? Do you tend to… feel confused, sometimes overwhelmed, so much so that you are oblivious to

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The journey

Emotional clarity

Is life for you a roller-coaster of emotions; do you live from one drama to another; how well do you manage and express your emotions? With an emphasis on thinking

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The journey


As we enter a new decade, a new energy, we want to be clear about who we are and where we’re going. How certain are you of yourself? How clear

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The journey

Blue skies…

Here we are about to step into a New Year. How are you feeling? D’you feel… optimistic – your heart full of anticipation; clear about who you are and where

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The journey

Peace and joy

Soon it will be Christmas and many cards are carry a messages of peace and joy. On the surface, you have to admit there’s lots of turmoil in our world

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The journey


To celebrate our daughter’s birthday this week, I’d like to share with you a poem she wrote in 2007 for my first website. Asked to express the journey to finding our

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The journey

Mining the diamond – the work.

What d’you need to mine your diamond? We need to dig deep to remove all the hard layers of rock that have accumulated over time.  So…a head-lamp… to illuminate the

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The journey

A wonderful world

For some time now, we’ve been seeing our world go through a period of massive change. Weather patterns are extreme; politically and in the corporate world the status quo is

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