


Awake to your intuition

Like our emotional triggers, our mind can also play games with us. It can have us worry about this and that, debate what’s right or wrong, argue about what we

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Awareness of your triggers.

Awareness is what you need when you want to learn to recognise your emotional triggers….what tweaks your buttons when you find yourself feeling upset, freezing or reacting strongly, then wondering

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Awareness and challenges

Developing awareness and self knowledge, there are so many benefits. Understanding why you feel a certain way helps you to respond rather than react… decision making becomes easier because you

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Awareness of your energy

In terms of energy, for some of us it’s generally steady and consistent, for others it can vary a lot, be up and down, a bit like a yoyo. Exploring

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Happy New Year to you! A new year, new energy… what’s possible for you? This month we’re looking at awareness which for me is where it all starts when you

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Being yourself

This month we’re looking at fidelity… in terms of being yourself. We’ve all heard the saying ‘To Thine Own Self Be True’ which is perhaps a bit cliché. It can

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