


Have you ever felt broken? As if your world has fallen apart? You feel as if you just can’t go on?

I have. My husband had left home and I told myself I would never survive alone.

I had tried to be someone I thought I should be, to make myself into someone better suited for my husband’s position. That was what broke me. I believed I was doing a good thing, only to discover, when it was all over, that my husband didn’t like the new creation! He found a replacement. It took me a long time to understand that my trying to be the best I could to help my husband’s career meant that I lost sight of my own dreams, my sense of identity and my value.

Many of us can fall into this pattern in our relationships, sometimes also in the workplace. Looking to get value from another or from a position or title. And when that value is taken away, we can feel like our world has crashed.

I didn’t know how to put myself back together again. I did find a way and, in the process, I found the spirit within me. What I once felt was broken, I now know is whole.

Through our challenges we develop strength and resilience. Courage is born in adversity.  And…overcoming our challenges can transform us into someone we never imagined existed!

If you’ve just had a relationship end, if you’ve been replaced on the ladder, if you are worrying how the heck you will ever survive, contact me and we can have a chat.

You are braver than you think and stronger than you imagine. You can find a way to rise from the ashes! You may have to do things differently.

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