
The journey

The journey


As we enter a new decade, a new energy, we want to be clear about who we are and where we’re going. How certain are you of yourself? How clear

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The journey

Blue skies…

Here we are about to step into a New Year. How are you feeling? D’you feel… optimistic – your heart full of anticipation; clear about who you are and where

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The journey

Peace and joy

Soon it will be Christmas and many cards are carry a messages of peace and joy. On the surface, you have to admit there’s lots of turmoil in our world

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The journey


To celebrate our daughter’s birthday this week, I’d like to share with you a poem she wrote in 2007 for my first website. Asked to express the journey to finding our

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The journey

Mining the diamond – the work.

What d’you need to mine your diamond? We need to dig deep to remove all the hard layers of rock that have accumulated over time.  So…a head-lamp… to illuminate the

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The journey

A wonderful world

For some time now, we’ve been seeing our world go through a period of massive change. Weather patterns are extreme; politically and in the corporate world the status quo is

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The journey

Mining the diamond

How well are you managing the tremendous change that we’re all experiencing right now? I’d like to suggest that only when we dig deep within our core, do we find

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The journey

Let’s dance!

Everyone is a dancer. The question perhaps is ‘do you allow yourself to dance?’. You can’t be Spirit and not dance. When we allow our self to dance, it’s an

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The journey

The spirit of who we are

When we align to all our elements, we connect to the element of aether, Spirit, the gift of creation and the Essence of All That Is. Aether is the joy

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The journey

Feeling the earth beneath your feet

When we’re going through any period of change whether it’s within your self, with your family or in your relationships, it’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed mentally and emotionally,

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The journey

Water, water…

Conscious of the world shifting and changing, observing wild weather patterns and power struggles in constitutions across the globe, these past few weeks we’ve been looking at the topic of

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The journey

Fire as inspiration

Our world is going through a challenging time and, like the weather, a hurricane of mental confusion and emotional energy is being stirred up by events on every continent. Fires

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The journey

Rubbing up against each other

For all that we may resist conflict or challenging experiences, sometimes rubbing up against each other is what is needed for us to change. Fire is the energy that begins

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The journey

More peaceful, harmonious relationships

We’ve talked about managing difference in our relationships and whether our pattern is to judge or blame, to dominate, or perhaps keep silent. Many clients I find are uncomfortable dealing

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The journey

Difference in relationships

Accepting that we are unique, the question perhaps is …how do we manage difference in our relationships? Since we all have our own perspectives and beliefs, differences are inevitable. What

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The journey

Heaven on earth

Have you ever experienced a moment of sheer joy when your heart felt like you could hardly speak? A moment of awe when you felt the harmony and beauty of

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The journey

He tangata – it’s the people

Here in New Zealand, there’s a Maori proverb which ponders what is the most important thing in the world. Their answer is ‘he tangata, he tangata, he tangata’ – it

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The journey

Just the way you are

This morning in meditation the words of the song “I love you just the way you are…’ came, which got me pondering… How willing are you to let people be

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The journey

Joy in simplicity

D’you ever stop to reflect on how you live, your way of being? Are you someone who is busy, busy, constantly multi-tasking, your mind jumping around a constantly expanding to-do

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The journey

True joy

In our last blog, we touched on the topic of choosing to be joyful rather than be angry and reactive, or, live in grief and pain. What is joy? Thinking

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The journey

Choose joy!

Learning to respond rather than react  – how do you do that, you might ask?  It’s all about managing our emotions, then taking responsiblity and focusing on how we want

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The journey

D’you react or respond?

What’s your way – d’you tend to react, or, respond to life? Recently we’ve been looking at how expectations can result in frustration and disappointment, at how the beliefs that

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The journey

Loving messages

How aware are you of the messages you give to your children? How do you show delight in your child? We all know that our children feel valued and loved

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The journey

Nurturing creativity

These past few weeks, we’ve been looking at the topic of parenting. Our role as parents, I see, is to prepare our children for life, teaching them to be responsible

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The journey

Our essential nature.

When you look at a new born baby, what do you see? I see innocence, pure light, love, joy… and infinite possibilities. I see a diamond! Like the precious stone,

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The journey

All we need is love

These past few weeks we’ve been looking at one of the challenges of parenting – taking action, asking for support, when your intuition tells you that something needs attention and

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The journey

A moment of choice

Our daughter went to boarding school in England when she was 10 going on 11. There, she was bullied for a number of years. Not interested in clothes, make-up or

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The journey

A mother’s intuition

We’ve all heard the expression a ‘mother’s intuition’ and typically we understand this to mean that a mother ‘knows’ when something is amiss. What I’ve learned is that it’s one

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The journey

Speaking up

The key to any relationship, personal or professional, is to be our self and be able manage any differences. ‘Be all things unto all men’ encourages us to be seen

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