
Choices – Expectation or intent?

If you’ve ever felt disappointed, one thing I’ve learned is that behind it there’s always an expectation. Whenever you have an expectation, you want things to happen just as you

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Soon we’ll be moving into 2023 and many of us will be happy to leave 2022 behind. It’s not been the easiest of years, it’s great to anticipate a new

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First Christmas apart.

Just separated or divorced? It’s not easy. The first thing I learned… the hard way I have to say… is to accept that things are as they are. Some things

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Christmas without a loved one

If you’ve lost someone you loved, Christmas can be a painful reminder especially if it’s the first Christmas without them.  I remember the year when my sister died… To be

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Thinking about Christmas …

I’m starting to think about Christmas… no plans, it’s a bit early for that here in Vanuatu, people are very much last minute and it’s all very easy, life is

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The journey

The moments we share

Last Christmas, with Covid and restrictions on travel, for a great many of us, it wasn’t possible to get together with family and friends as we normally do, it was

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The journey

Who am I at heart?

Last week I shared a little about my experience of being in quarantine, and how we can support ourself when we are alone , when we have nothing to do

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Hiding behind a smile

This month we’ve looked at opening our heart to our guidance. In order to protect ourselves, sometimes we shut down our emotions and we can build layers and layers around

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The journey

Why the heart?

Within our heart…our heart is the core, the centre of our inner life, the centre of everything. It has everything we might want and need. It’s where we find peace,

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The journey

Listen to your heart

When your world is turned upside down and you don’t know what to do, everything is uncertain, yet decisions need to be made….going into your heart and listening to your

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The journey

Opening your heart

We’ve talked about how some experiences that occur through change can have us feel pain and a sense of loss, we can put up walls and then, if we judge

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The journey

Love, love, love…

With Valentine’s Day coming up, many of us will be sharing messages of love. With “All you need is love” and “Love one another” ringing in my ears, I’m imagining

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The journey

Bring me sunshine…

One of the things I love most is that time in the morning when the world is still and the sun rises beyond the trees in the garden, its light

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Beyond appearance

Living in in Hong Kong taught me a lot about appearance. What d’you think about appearance? How does it work in your life? In Hong Kong where appearance was important,

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Accepting difference

Like leaves on a tree, we’re all different, and, at the same time, we each contribute to the whole. Trees have different meanings for different cultures, yet commonly symbolise strength

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Beauty and colour

As we look back over 2020, my goodness what a year it’s been! With so many unexpected events, it’s been challenging for each of us in many different ways –

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The journey

Acceptance and peace

Two years ago I wrote about how to find peace when it feels like your world has been turned upside down. Then the focus was on personal change and the

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The journey

A different Christmas

This Christmas is going to be different! Often defined by tradition, with the prospect of not having that this year, it’s important to accept how things are, to be realistic

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The journey

Emotional resilience

It’s not always easy to find resilience. When you have the ground whipped out from beneath you, it’s easy feel helpless and think that you’ll never survive. You may feel

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The journey

Finding resilience – this Christmas

Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year… A time of coming together, sharing food with family and friends, twinkling lights, candles, singing carols…a time of joy. For many, however,

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Look me in the eye.

The other week I attended a workshop designed to help understand and support children with ‘disabilities’. As a mum with a daughter diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome, as a volunteer

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The journey

Courage to be you

As a child, I was small and skinny. I wore National Health Service glasses – pink plastic ones. I was teased horribly and felt ugly. I felt different, alone. I

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The journey

Crossing the bridge

With everything that’s happening in the world at the moment – the conflict, the pandemic, climate change, political upheaval, terrorism – it’s clear that we’re being given a good shake

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The journey

Finding resilience

Navigating change is never smooth. We can feel decidedly wobbly, think that we’ll never survive alone, sometimes feel downright helpless. And yet…it’s through change that we find our resilience, learn

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Time to emerge and bloom?

When you look at your life, how would you describe your story so far? Is it one of fun and adventure, or, are you someone who likes to feel comfortable?

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Self discovery

Who in the world am I?

“Who in the world am I?”, asked Alice in her quest for identity. On the surface, a story that is considered by some to be about fun and nonsense, underneath a

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How do you see yourself?

Freedom. We’re hearing lots of conversation around the world about the way our governments are addressing the Covid pandemic. Some see the measures taken as restricting individual freedom, others see

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Beyond limits

When you go on the journey of understanding and becoming more of who you are, the chances are that there can be quite a few rocks on your path! You

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It seems everyone is talking about change, we are too – and our focus is on who you are becoming. After all, changing your life is all about changing you!

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The journey

What is the one gift…

If there is one gift that you could give to the world at this time, what might it be? What quality do you feel would make a difference? Perhaps…peace of

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The journey

“Let us love one another…”

Last week my mum passed. Having been in residential care for almost four years, she finally let go. Covid restrictions meant that yesterday our family came together to celebrate who

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"To Believe"
The journey

A Time to Believe

To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning. It is to trust that miracles happen, and dreams really do come true. To believe is to see

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The journey

Seeing the beauty

With everything that’s happening around us, what supports you through the uncertainty? Nothing gives us a greater feeling of security than when you connect with your heart, to that place

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