The journey

Four questions

Who?  Why? What? How? Four questions. As toddlers we can drive mum crazy asking them. At school or when we first learn a new language, we use them to help

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The journey

Be the change you want to see

Today, listening to people, to the news, it’s clear that our world, the planet, is going through a period of massive change. Weather patterns are extreme; politically and in the

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The journey

Thriving on change

Some people see life as a struggle; others believe we’re here to thrive, not simply survive. What is your view? I see our struggles, and most of us experience one

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The journey

Too good to be true?

Listening to a client excitedly share her news of a new relationship, I heard her say “I had to pinch myself, it felt too good to be true”. What I

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The journey

… and the wall came tumbling down!

D’you ever feel like you’re holding it altogether, yet underneath you’re secretly afraid that everything is going to fall apart? You worry, you feel uptight, you don’t trust the future,

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The journey

Square peg in a round hole?

Have you ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? Have you ever felt that somehow you never quite fit in? Do others tell you that are ‘too

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The journey

What are you connected to?

How connected are you? What are you connected to? Are you connected to the internet… to your mind… your heart, your intuition… to the Spirit within you? More and more,

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The journey

Living in harmony

“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe” – Marcus Aurelius. How often do you feel a sense of inner peace? How harmonious are your

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The journey

What if … anything is possible?

What if …anything were possible….who would you be…what would you be doing? For those living in the northern hemisphere, summer holidays are nearly over, children are returning to school, soon

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The journey

Me… and my shadow…

Have you been feeling more emotional than usual these past few weeks? Perhaps you’ve been triggered by events from the past – memories, or people, seem to have popped up

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The journey

Each a valuable part of the whole

This past week I’ve travelled from Melbourne to Hong Kong to Tokyo, and, as always, was fascinated watching people, pondering differences and at the same time seeing how we’re all

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The journey


This week we celebrate the solstice, a time when the energy of the sun stands still for three days. In Machu Picchu, Peru, the sun god, Inti, is celebrated and,

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The journey

What’s your story?

What story do you tell yourself about your childhood? How did you feel as a child? Truth! Does it enhance who you are, or does it limit you in any

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The journey

Have faith in your heart

More than once I’ve worked with a client who has tearfully asked – ‘Am I going crazy? What’s wrong with me?’ When Jenna came for coaching, she said she felt

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The journey

Finding balance

  How d’ you stay balanced when life is busy, busy… or the universe throws something unexpected at you? When Carole came for coaching, she said the one thing she

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The journey

Taking things personally

  D’you find that your emotional buttons are easily tweaked? Others may say you are “too sensitive’, and, you worry if that’s true. D’you tend to take things personally? Or,

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The journey


  Have you ever felt broken? As if your world has fallen apart? You feel as if you just can’t go on? I have. My husband had left home and

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The journey

Nobody’s perfect

What gets in the way of having a strong sense value? What can have us feel like we see-saw through life? One of my clients, Gareth, his father left home

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The journey

Darkness and light

When you look at the world today from a big picture perspective, what do you see? What do you think about that? How do you feel? I see darkness, a

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The journey

Go beyond – touch the core

  Have you ever experienced a moment in life when you finally had to say enough is enough? A breaking point where you knew you needed to change things? I’ve

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The journey

Feeling alive

When was the last time you felt truly alive, your heart bursting with so much joy, the feeling was beyond words? When we feel confused or stuck, unable to move

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The journey

Seed pods

  Yesterday it was Mothers’ Day in the UK, and my thoughts turned to mothering. How we are mothered, how we mother our children, how we mother our self, how

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The journey

Do you long to belong?

Do you have a longing to belong? Do you just want to be loved…accepted…heard..understood? Do you feel something is missing in life? When we grow up in a loving family,

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The journey

An open heart

Sometimes we can feel like we’re stuck, we hurt, and we just don’t how to pick ourselves up and move forwards. We can feel helpless, frozen. Have you ever felt

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The journey

Have a good laugh!

Yesterday I had an interesting experience – I joined a friend at an event in Abbotsford Convent where people came together connecting spontaneously through sound and laughter. Exploring the different

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The journey

It’s all about… perception

These past few weeks, we’ve offered some tips to those of you who have decided it’s time to change. You’ve decided to make a new start and and now you

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The journey

How do you see things?

  This week many of us may find our thoughts turning to love and romance.  With Valentines Day celebrations in the air, it’s a time to celebrate the love in

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The journey


I don’t know how it is for you, I’m hearing many people say that things have to change. Big picture they want the WORLD to change! Globally, people long to

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The journey

Taking care – of self

Most of us know it’s a good idea to take care of ourselves, and it’s particularly important if we want to take care of or be of service to others.

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The journey

Finding your voice

New year, new start – is it time to find a new way to express yourself? When we decide it’s time for a new start, often it’s the case that

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The journey

What is your dream?

Here we are at the start of a New Year. A new adventure awaits us offering new opportunities, new learnings, new friendships.  What is your dream for 2018? If you

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The journey

It’s all about the journey

  We often hear ‘it’s all about the journey’. What does that mean to you? How do you live your life? Do you work, work, work, pushing, striving to achieve goals

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The journey

Friendship and understanding

  Yesterday I visited the Botanical Gardens in Wellington, New Zealand, perhaps best known for its Rose Garden. Tucked away in a corner near a little duck pond, I came

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The journey


  In New Zealand, there’s a story about the pohutukawa tree with it’s beautiful crimson flowers that have become part of the country’s Christmas tradition. Pohutukawa, meaning sprinkled by spray,

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