The journey

It’s all about… perception

These past few weeks, we’ve offered some tips to those of you who have decided it’s time to change. You’ve decided to make a new start and and now you

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The journey

How do you see things?

  This week many of us may find our thoughts turning to love and romance.  With Valentines Day celebrations in the air, it’s a time to celebrate the love in

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The journey


I don’t know how it is for you, I’m hearing many people say that things have to change. Big picture they want the WORLD to change! Globally, people long to

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The journey

Taking care – of self

Most of us know it’s a good idea to take care of ourselves, and it’s particularly important if we want to take care of or be of service to others.

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The journey

Finding your voice

New year, new start – is it time to find a new way to express yourself? When we decide it’s time for a new start, often it’s the case that

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The journey

What is your dream?

Here we are at the start of a New Year. A new adventure awaits us offering new opportunities, new learnings, new friendships.  What is your dream for 2018? If you

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The journey

It’s all about the journey

  We often hear ‘it’s all about the journey’. What does that mean to you? How do you live your life? Do you work, work, work, pushing, striving to achieve goals

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The journey

Friendship and understanding

  Yesterday I visited the Botanical Gardens in Wellington, New Zealand, perhaps best known for its Rose Garden. Tucked away in a corner near a little duck pond, I came

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The journey


  In New Zealand, there’s a story about the pohutukawa tree with it’s beautiful crimson flowers that have become part of the country’s Christmas tradition. Pohutukawa, meaning sprinkled by spray,

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The journey

An adventure story?

  Is your story one of fun and adventure, or, are you someone who likes life to be comfortable? If you are happy being comfortable, that’s great. However, if  it’s

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The journey

On the river

  This morning I woke up with the sun and looked out of my bedroom window. I saw a river flowing calmly, easily.  And… I remembered another river, in Peru,

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The journey

It’s all in the story

  Here in New Zealand I’ve noticed that people often say “it’s all about the story”. This is part of who they are, what they stand for, what they offer.

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The journey

Taking care…

  Do you tend to give, give, give …  so much that you often feel exhausted? Have you ever tried to be someone you thought you were supposed to be

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The journey

The masks we wear

  A few weeks ago here in Hong Kong we enjoyed Mid Autumn Festival when traditionally family and friends come together outdoors to celebrate the harvest during the autumn full

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The journey

Freedom of choice

  For the past few weeks, we’ve been taking a look at moving through change or making a new start, and what can get in the way of that. Now,

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The journey

The circle of life

A dear friend of mine recently lost both his parents within a very short period of time, then, soon afterwards his son announced that he and his wife are expecting

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The journey

Where are you going?

How do you find making decisions? Do you feel confident about the choices you make? Or, do you find it challenging – worry about getting it right, making a mistake, perhaps

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The journey

Ebony and ivory

I’ve always been touched by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder’s piece of music – ‘Ebony and Ivory’. Each time I listen, I get goose bumps!  I truly believe we all

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The journey

Bringing in softness

It’s often said that our personal struggles offer our greatest lessons. When we experience hurt or loss, it can feel like we don’t have the strength to pick our self

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The journey

How do you talk to yourself?

How often do you criticise yourself? How often do you doubt, tell yourself you could never do this or that? How kindly do you talk to yourself? Our mind can

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The journey

D’you ever feel disappointed?

D’you ever feel disappointed? In yourself, in others? Does your life feel like a roller-coaster ride of up and down mood swings? If it does, it’s good to understand what

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The journey


How often do you hesitate to start working on something if you think you can’t do it? How much do you put off crucial decisions because you’re unable to make

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The journey

Excuses, excuses

Excuses, excuses, we all make them. Do you ever hear yourself say … I don’t have enough time…I don’t deserve to…I’m only… I can’t because… If we really want to

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The journey

Stretching and growing

This past week, many children have returned to school; some have started school for the first time. I received photos from my niece and also from a friend of their

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The journey


Look what I saw the other day while out walking in Hong Kong! This beautiful green lizard, the largest I’ve ever seen, perched upon a rock in all his glory.

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The journey

Yes…or no?

Whether you’re a parent or not, we all know that stage in a child’s life when, no matter what you ask, the answer is always “NO!” What then happens to

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The journey

The mighty oak

Visiting Scotland recently, I couldn’t help but notice the many magnificent, tall oak trees; and I was reminded of the ancient Celts and their love of forests, Mother Nature and

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The journey

Where do you struggle?

Most of us have one area in our life where we struggle. It might be relationships, it might be career, it might be with money or not having enough time.

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The journey

A thought – for parents

Having lived in Hong Kong for nearly 30 years, I’ve heard many, many complaints about the education system. I’ve heard complaints about competition for school places, the rote system of

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The journey

Hello, hello…

As the year comes to a close, many of us are saying goodbye to ‘the old me’ so we can step into the next cycle of energy as ‘the new

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The journey


Discovery Integrity Vitality Order from Chaos Rebirth Celebration Empowerment.   On the day that I walked into my divorce lawyer’s office, the first thing I saw was a photograph frame

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The voice

When I felt lost and confused and didn’t know which way to turn, one of my biggest challenges was making decisions. What to do? Well-meaning friends all had advice to

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